PROFHILO® Medical Information
PROFHILO® ASK YOUR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL IF PROFHILO® IS RIGHT FOR YOU. PROFHILO® and PROFHILO® Body is an unfunded medicine so you will need to pay for the medicine and any other charges. PROFHILO® and PROFHILO® Body are Class III medical devices containing 16mg high molecular weight (MW) hyaluronic acid (HA) + 16mg low MW HA/1mL syringe that is obtained through a patented treatment (NAHYCO® Hybrid Technology) which provides it with unique characteristics for its use in the face and body, where it is injected with an ultrafine needle to plump the skin to smooth away wrinkles and improve texture and skin quality. PROFHILO® must only be administered by a medical practitioner or a qualified nurse injector (who operates under the supervision of a medical practitioner). Treatment costs and normal practitioner’s fees will apply. PROFHILO® has risks and benefits. Do not use with treatments such a laser resurfacing or medium deep skin-peeling. Do not inject into inflamed areas or intravenously or intramuscularly. Please consult your medical practitioner regarding its suitability for you, or if there are any questions regarding precautions and side effects. For further product information, please refer to your medical practitioner or the Instructions for Use leaflet at Dermocosmètica PTY LTD, Australia. PROFHILO® is a registered trademark of IBSA.